how it works

We guide you step by step through the different phases of exploration and development in a safe and nurturing environment. Below find an overall description of each module we cover in our program.

Program Modules


Module 1: The Seed
May 20-22

It is all already in the seed. Ideas, projects, concepts, dreams and evolving expressions of yourself carry within all the potential of realization and manifesting. This journey starts with your intentional Seed, trusting you already know that you have it all. The rest of the cycle is supporting the seed in its sprouting, blossoming and manifesting process. We give you, in the first module, the foundational ground and safe setting to plant your seed.


Module 4: The Ecosystem
August 19-21

Not all soils and tools are equal, nor are all ecosystems either. The ecosystem can challenge the plant in its ability to adapt and thrive. Our ecosystem as humans is not only the weather and climate we live in, rather it is our family, our friends, the people we interact with externally, the practical daily choices we make that affect how we experience life. But it is also our beliefs, values and perceptions over who we are and how we live. Becoming aware of how it affects how growth and deeper understanding of who we truly are, is also part of the manisfesting process of our existence and what we hold dear to our heart.

Module 2: The Soil
June 24-26

Cultivating a rich soil for your seed to grow is crucial. It requires inquiring and assessing what our soil is made of, what it needs. In this second phase of growth, we bring some needed ingredients to nurture the seed so it can crack activate its own power to grow and flourish well supported at the root. From seasonal diet to yogic routines, we assist you into a daily practice to create and maintain a healthy soil, made of all 5 elements in the needed proportions required by your very uique seed.


Module 5: The Seasons
October 7-9

Life is not linear. It has ups and downs, curves and peaks, valleys and rest stops. We are definitely not the same person at 20 years old and in our 50s! As in the flow of nature, there are seasons that can change from one phase of life to another, from a circumstance or event to another, but also as fast as within a couple of hours or in the shift of a triggered emotion. Understanding and aligning ourselves to the seasons is a key component for high adaptability to change and on-going transformation. We cannot apply the same formula consistently through time. We honor the ebbs and flows of our own rhythm, and tweak our self-care formulation accordingly making us well-prepared, strong and though flexible through the seasonal fluctuations.

Module 3: The Tools
July 22-24

Without some tools, weeds expressed as detrimental or unsupportive habits can take over and hinder the seed's development. With the use of powerful self-care tools, we tend to our inner and outer garden. It takes a bit of consistency, a bit of discipline, and much reaffirmed joy to carve regular 'me time' in our day, so the seedling can crack the ground surface to drink from the sun light.


Module 6: The Ripening
November 11-13

Through befriending our practice, we experience, we learn, we adjust, we attune with our Self. Our plant is growing bigger bearing its fruit towards mature manifest expression. The ripening process involves shining the light onto us, and what is coming out of us, looking at the deeper layers of our being showing up to the surface in their own shade, color and flavor, reaffirming its beautiful uniqueness. At the stage of the process, we start owning who we are, without shame, unlimited and unrestricted. 'Doubt, fear, guilt, sorrow, melancholy, self-sabotage, denial, numbing...' and other ego driven artefacts may creep in, though we commit to self-awareness and deeper trust, supported by the circle of teachers and fellow co-creators on this journey. The ripening is an act of courage towards full expression!

Module 7: The Blossoming
December 9-11

An explosion of possibilities opens up - that can make us dizzy and light heading 'what am I doing? am I ready? I don't know if I can do this! The Seed has grown into its full potential, and its ability now to give back and plant seeds out has unlocked. If you thought you'd never be a teacher, that you had nothing to share with others, this is the time you might be called for it, to realize that self-discovery and growth brings forth an instinctual and natural 'give-receive' exchange. This is a phase of expantion into more freedom, where you rely more on your instinctual and creative self to guide your daily practices.

Module 8: The Harvest
January 13-15, 2023

Info to come.

Module 9: Inner Teacher

Info to come.


Intensive Weekend Schedule

Friday: 6 to 9 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am to 6:30 pm

Classes are taught live online and recorded for replay, and offered in person when available based on CDC/state/city requirements on any given module weekend.

The program has literally changed my life, and I largely attribute my current mental emotional spiritual health to embracing the Yogic lifestyle presented to me through the yoga teacher training they offer.

—Elle Lewis